Grade 8 - Social Media Safety

Book Your Trip

Schools are listed alphabetically. First, GEDSB. Second, BHNCDSB. Third,  Six Nations. Fourth, Private Schools.

    Before Selecting a Date

    Check the Calendar

    Use the calendar link on the menu above or view the list of upcoming grade 8 bookings at the bottom of this screen.
    • The Grade 7/8 program takes place during the months of December, January, February and March
    • The Grade 7 and Grade 8 Social Media programs use the same curriculum.  Please try to share bussing with another group to save on transportation costs if you only have a few students in that grade. You may want to bring two small grade 7 groups, two small grade 8 groups or a split grade 7-8 class. We can accommodate a maximum of 30 students only.

    • Morning classes are from
      10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
    • Afternoon classes are from
      12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

    Please note any special needs, behavioural considerations or requests at the time of booking.

    Trip Schedule

    • Mon... Six Nations Schools
    • Tue... County Schools
    • Wed - Fri... Brantford Schools
    Teachers Don’t forget to complete the online teacher survey before you leave the Village.
    Current Grade 7 Bookings
    Current Grade 8 Bookings