About Us

The Children’s Safety Village of Brant

Who We Are

Background Information

At the Village, children of all ages learn effective personal safety strategies and how to respond to dangerous or threatening situations. The Children’s Safety Village has been the host site for the training of 1,000 school Safety Patrollers each year.

View the video below to learn about the Children’s Safety Village of Brant.

At least 900 children and youth die each year from avoidable injury. That is 17 children per week or the equivalent of 30 classrooms full of children each year. Health Canada Data Table.

What is a Safety Village?

We believe that reducing the number of tragic accidents for children is essential for communities to thrive.

The Children’s Safety Village of Brant is a specially designed learning facility that was built by the community as a registered charity located in Brantford and managed by a board of directors. At the Village, children learn how to respond to dangerous or threatening situations and effective personal safety strategies. The service areas include Brantford, Brant County, Six Nations and now Norfolk County. We offer a specially-designed hands-on educational facility where learning safety skills comes to life. The Village staff and volunteers strive to keep the Village facility barrier-free and open to all children regardless of ability.

Who Teaches the Kids?

The curriculum taught at the Village is developed and taught by emergency service providers. It meets the Ministry of Education requirements, is sequential, age-appropriate and increases in complexity and comprehension from Grades K – 8. The police and fire instructors lead the safety classes with facility support from Village staff and many volunteers. Since 2005, there have been over 95,000 student visits by local children to The Children’s Safety Village of Brant. Safety classes run from October to June each year with over 1,000 safely patrollers being trained at the Village each September.

How is the Safety Village Funded?

Financial contributions from the community is the vital source of revenue to cover operational expenses and keep this valuable resource in our community. Expenses to operate the Children’s Safety Village of Brant remain as low as possible ($125,000 annually) due to the large number of community volunteers who donate their time and talents cleaning, gardening, lawn cutting, administration, programme support, bike and jeep repairs, Santa Parade, special events, and building maintenance.

Charitable Status Number: 8621461238821461RR0001

Thanks to our major supporters

Sponsor-County Fire
Sponsor Kiwanis
Sponsor-Six Nations Fire


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