Curriculum Outcomes

Bring your students on a memorable and interactive field trip that will focus on preparing them for the responsibility of staying home alone and babysitting from a Fire Safety perspective. The You Are In Charge! programme at the Children’s Safety Village is delivered in partnership with local Fire Departments and instructed by Fire Prevention Officers. Our programmes are based on the Ministry of Education Ontario Curriculum.

Some highlights from our the You Are In Charge! include:

  • Discussing potential fire hazards and emergency situations that could occur along with how to properly respond
  • Reviewing the importance of writing down and having quick access to phone numbers of key emergency contacts
  • Visiting Sparky’s Apartment to identify hazards, discuss safe cooking practices and the importance of having and practising a fire escape plan

The Children’s Safety Village of Brant is a charity that relies on donations from the community.

We would like to thank the Fire Services who generously work in partnership with us to facilitate our safety programming.

Make sure you check for available dates on our online calendar before booking your class.
Note: The Grade 6 You are in Charge programme is offered during December, January, February and March. Six Nations schools attend on Mondays. Brant County and Norfolk County schools attend on Tuesdays. City of Brantford schools attend on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.