Support the Children's Safety Village

We are dependent on the generosity of the community and fundraising for the majority of our operation revenue. The Children’s Safety Village of Brant needs to raise over $125,000 each year, which provides us with the capacity to offer all of our services and programmes at little or no cost to the users.

Every dollar makes a difference in allowing the Safety Village to provide the highest quality of safety programmes for the children in our community.

Charitable tax receipts will be issued for eligible donations of $20 or greater with the provision of a name and full mailing address at the time of the donation.

Charitable Status Number: 8621461238821461RR0001

To donate online via CanadaHelps, use the button below.

10 Reasons to Donate

  • Relevant programmes for today’s safety challenges facing children. The core curriculum content comes from local experts who work daily with children in a school setting or as emergency service providers. They continuously reflect on how relevant and impactful programs are and ensuring the information is relevant to current safety issues.

  • The learning environment at the Safety Village is creating a lasting difference.
    Since safety programming began in 2005, over 95,000 student visits have occurred creating a higher safety awareness than the average child.

  • Strong, strategic leadership is our key to lasting community impact. The board of directors, who represent specific required backgrounds, (i.e. EMS, financial, service club, educational) meet with staff regularly to ensure the mission and strategic visions are being achieved. They ensure established priorities are being accomplished and the Safety Village facility meets and exceeds expectations for the emergency service personnel who teach at the Village and for the children who learn there.

  • We responsibly maintain the Village property and facilities. We act responsibility to maintain and replace these assets over time seriously. We have incorporated accumulated depreciation into our fiscal management practices and replace and repair all our assets as needed. In 2017 we received an Environmental Award for water and energy conservation as well as an Accessibility Award for having a supportive environment for persons with disabilities.

  • Revenue reliability. We have been successful with establishing a track-record of bringing in recurring dollars, on an unrestricted operating basis, year after year. This provides the ability to predict a level of income with a fair amount of certainty, based on historical performance and ongoing communication with stakeholders.

  • Financial Controls. Through strong fiscal management practices, the Board of Directors has developed year-long, month-by-month budget forecasts that include detailed income and expense projections. Additionally, the Board will share balance sheets, income statements, or other measures of financial health when asked. They have maintained liquid assets which are invested for lean financial times to cover 8 months of operations.

  • Excellent Social Return on Investment (SROI).
    According to a 2015 study, the per capita cost of injury in Ontario was $667 per person. Injury and death prevention through hands-on safety education at the Children’s Safety Village of Brant averages only $16 per student per year. Since 2005, there have been over 70,000 hands-on educational child visits at the Village.
    Parachute. (2015) The Cost of Injury in Canada. Parachute: Toronto, ON

  • Realistic financial needs and conservative annual budget. The annual operating budget is program- based for the operations of the Safety Village facility. There are only 1.5 full time staff persons who coordinate the programs and fundraising efforts and, along with volunteers, manage the care and maintenance of the Village. There are no instructor wages in the budget as local police and fire departments have included teaching the safety classes at the Safety Village as part of their community outreach duties. They all prefer the hands on specially designed learning environment that aids in understanding the concepts of each programme.

  • Donated funds directly impact the need for a safer community for local children. The educational environment of the Safety Village was uniquely designed with the intention to facilitate a memorable learning environment. Anecdotes from the instructors confirm that the learning environment is a superior one that keeps the children’s attention and provides the opportunity to immediately practice the safety concepts being taught.

  • Not all communities have a Children’s Safety Village as an injury preventing and life-saving educational facility for children. There are 10 communities who benefit from Safety Villages in Ontario. Each are independent from one another and are financially sustained by community fundraising and/or a combination of donated dollars and local government funding at the municipal level.

Thanks to our major supporters

Sponsor-County Fire
Sponsor Kiwanis
Sponsor-Six Nations Fire
RBC Sponsorship logo

Volunteer Opportunities

We can use your help. Contact the office if you would like to be part of our volunteer team.
Fire Programme

Assist Fire Prevention Officers to teach fire safety lessons – Assist children down escape ladder, help students with group work and set up of “Sparky’s Apartment” (our simulation room) with fire hazards for discussion.

Police Programme

Assist School Safety Officers educating students about personal safety issues – Assist with helmet fitting, jeep or bicycle set up and driving activities in our miniature village and instructing children on safety walks.

Special Events

Assist in leadership or delivery of our special community events at the Safety Village.

Office Support

Assist packing loot bags for classes, inventory and filing etc.

Facility Support

Assist with maintaining bicycles, jeeps and general upkeep of miniature Village buildings.

Board of Directors

The members of the Board of Directors are very important to the success of the Safety Village. Furthermore, they reinforce the mission and values as well as provide strategic direction. Together, they are a balanced team with complementary skill sets and a culture that allows them to work together to make the most effective decisions for the Village.