Hallowe’en Haunt Photo Gallery-2024

Over 2500 ghosts and goblins attended our annual Hallowe’en Haunt on October 26, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Hallowe’en event and donated at the entrance! We are a non-profit and all donations go towards our work at the Village, teaching kids effective personal safety strategies and how to respond to dangerous or threatening situations.
Much appreciation to our major sponsors, supporters, donors and volunteers!! We couldn’t have done it without you .
Thank you as well to all the vendors handing out candy, we did it! we brought joy (in the form of sugar) to the kids. 

Main Sponsors
RBC & Grandbridge

Kiwanis Club of Brantford

Other Sponsor
Massily (silver category)

RBC, Braemar, Enbridge, Lococo’s, Anytime Fitness, Powered by Music, South West Safety and Supply, The Agency, Zehrs, Reach Gymnastics, Clifford Dawson (REMAX), Brant County Health Unit, M.A.D.D., 20 Performing Arts, BBQ, Kiwanis, Brant Heritage Dental, Grandbridge, Costco, Bell Homestead, Kidtastic, Sharp Bus Lines

Community Supporters
Brant County Fire, Brantford City Fire, Six Nations Police, Brantford Police Department, Brantford Auxiliary

Tigercat Industries Inc., Lococo’s, Pillers, Sobey’s, Cineplex, Jay’s no Frills (Paris), Rusty’s No Frills, Capt. Can Comics, Hershey’s

Click here to see some photos.

Crowds inside as well as outside at our Hallowe’en Event.

Photo link is in blue text above.

One minute video is on the left.